Rating: 3/5
Reviewed by: Gary on 11/22/2011
Most written content would be ideal for students in history or social
studies courses, from upper elementary through high school. The greatest
limitation is the fairly small number of total records, and
particularly the number of records in a given subject area. Some things
are dealt with a bit more thoroughly, such as the assassination of John
F. Kennedy.
I could see the website's use for either an
open-ended kind of an assignment in which a student would be asked to
look for records on a subject of their choosing, probably beginning with
this website but then recommending that they take a look elsewhere on
the internet. A more directed approach might be to find a few subject
areas that are dealt with a bit more thoroughly and work assignments
associated with these into the appropriate topic area in the classroom.
What are the advantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
website is quick, easy, and requires no special equipment or knowledge
to use and provides some interesting records worthy of being studied. As
a creative tool, the poster and movie processes are pretty easy to
What are the disadvantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
big disadvantage is there are really very few records specific to any
given subject area. The poster process is not bad, though much more
could be done with other photo image manipulation programs like
Photoshop. Likewise, the "movie" could be created in something like
Photostory. Since you would have the archives of the entire internet as
the raw content for such creative products, by comparison the existing
Digital Vaults website is quite limiting.