
Tool Category/ies: Social Networking   Collaboration  

License Type: Free


Overall Rating





This tool allows you to organize your bookmarks by keywords ("tags") and view other people's bookmarks. This is a public website that allows you to search for websites on certain topics, and you can share your bookmarks with your friends. There are no prerequisite skills to using this tool, and there are no resources needed (although a need to access your various bookmarks from different computers would make it even more useful).



Rating: 3/5

Reviewed by: Bethany on 11/22/2011

One way to use this in a teaching environment would be to require students to create an account, and collect websites that related to a certain assigned topic. They would be responsible for tagging each bookmark with keywords of their choosing, that would allow other students to search for the topics that they needed. The students could be evaluated on their selection of bookmarks and their organization of the sites by tag.

One advantage of using this tool would be the interest factor -- the students would likely enjoy the opportunity to search the web for academic purposes and to share their findings with their classmates. One disadvantage is that it doesn't control for the actual content of the sites that they find. In other words, it is unlikely that they would explore each site in detail but would simply quickly bookmark them. The best way to evaluate the use of this site would therefore be to examine the organization and choice of tags that the students used.


Examples and External Resources


Understanding Delicious by Chirayu Shah uploaded on 02/14/2013



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