
Tool Category/ies: Productivity  

License Type: Free + Pay Options


Overall Rating





iSpeech is a high quality text to speech and speech recognition provider. You can use the tool online or through applications provided for phones and tablets. Other popular mobile apps targeted for specific purposes are®, iSpeech Translator", and Caller ID Reader".



Rating: 3/5

Reviewed by: Karen Schneider on 05/16/2013

iSpeech is a web tool to convert text to audio.  You can convert any text document to speech: blogs, on-line course material, web pages and more.  It supports over 20 different languages.  Using the free personal account you can create an unlimited number of audio files up to 1 minute in length and share them with colleagues and friends.  Paid upgrades enable you to make longer recording up to 30 minutes to 12 hours.  Software and app developers can utilize iSpeech to add audio to their work.  iSpeech prides themselves on their near-perfect pronunciation of text.  You can simply type in the text or download document to convert to audio.  Once the file is created, you can download it, embed it, create a podcast, or share it.  They also promote their app that converts audio to text and emails to stop people from text messaging while they drive.  Its a simple way to add audio to your presentation and on-line work.

Resources and Skills required for using iSpeech
To set up a free account, all you need is e-mail address.  A temporary password is sent to your email.  Basic computer skills and knowing how to type are necessary.  The resources you need are a computer and internet access with an email account.

How to use iSpeech in a teaching environment
It is a great tool that can be used to convert text to speech or to give voice to your presentations and podcasts. It could be used in language classes to understand the different accent and pronunciation of words.

An example below shows how the London School of Business and Management used iSpeech to create a podcasts for their program.

Advantages and Disadvantages of using iSpeech
iSpeech is simple and easy to use. The free version limits the amount of text you can convert to speech to 1 minute. So, if you have long passages you will need to pay for it using a premium account. While it has very good voice quality and pronunciation of text some words will still sound funny. However, the paid version of the tool has better voices and capabilities of converting text to audio.


Examples and External Resources


iSpeech Review by Brian Crawford uploaded on 05/16/2013