Overall Rating
StumbleUpon is a Web 2.0 search engine. It is Web 2.0 because StumbleUpon's search algorithms are based on the user's profile, and on the user's interactions with other users. StumbleUpon can simply be used to find interesting websites, but it also enables users to recommend sites to be included in the StumbleUpon database, and to write reviews and share interesting websites with friends. The ability of "Stumblers" to give feedback on a webpage helps other Stumblers to navigate to webpages they are interested in.
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Rating: 3/5
Reviewed by: Karen Schneider on 05/16/2013
Examples and External Resources
5 Ways To Use StumbleUpon In Education uploaded on 05/16/2013
How to Use StumbleUpon by Mike Alf uploaded on 05/16/2013
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