
Tool Category/ies: Productivity  

License Type: Free


Overall Rating





DocsPal is a free online file-type converter and viewer. One can convert documents, video files, audio files, images, e-books, and archived files from one file type to another. You can also view images and documents in your browser.



Rating: 4/5

Reviewed by: Ameet Nagpal on 05/10/2013

DocsPal is a free online file-type converter and viewer. One can convert documents, video files, audio files, images, e-books, and archived files from one file type to another. You can also view images and documents in  your browser.  DocsPal Viewer is a great tool for sharing documents. Sometimes you may need to share a document with others so that they can easily view it without the need to install anything else on their computers, or without being able to modify that document. DocsPal Viewer will provide you with URL, upon clicking on the URL you can see the document.

Resources required for using DocsPal

A computer with internet connection and basic computer are required to use the this online tool. If you have your images and documents stored in cloud or a server you need to know the URL to view the file.

How to use
DocsPal in a teaching environment
Apart from easy sharing of documents, images and other medias I can easily imagine other academic roles for this product.  In a practical example, our lectures during residency were held in a room at TIRR with a laptop computer that did not have the most recent edition of Microsoft Office.  Therefore, it only opened .doc files as opposed to .docx files, and .ppt files as opposed to .pptx files.  This may seem silly, but this created a world of problems for us as Chief Residents.  At least 50% of the time, lecturers came with a flash drive with their presentation in the newer format and we would bring their flash drive to our call room, save the file on the computer as a .pptx, then save it as a .ppt, then re-save it to the flash drive, and bring it back to the lecture.  Many of our lectures were shortened from 1 hour to 30 minutes because of this (or pushed back the next lecture).  If I knew about DocsPal, we could have made the same transition in about 2 minutes.  This is a very simple, educational use of this product, in which it would be used as a productivity and efficiency tool.

Advantages of using
The advantages of this tool include its ease of use, availability, and simplicity. Docs Pal is not limited to converting documents but it converts video, and audio. If someone approached me and told me that they needed to convert a file type, I would recommend DocsPal without reservation!

Disadvantages of using
The disadvantages are few, but include inability to convert .pdf files that are protected or read-only, limited functionality, and poor aesthetics


Examples and External Resources


How to use DocsPal by Ameet Nagpal uploaded on 05/16/2013



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