Rating: 4/5
Reviewed by: Thuy on 11/17/2011
are many applications for Cachinko in medical education. The primary
one, is what to do after you've finished all this education! Fours years
of undergraduate education followed by four years of medical school and
now you have to head off to residency. Except you may have realized
that perhaps medicine is not really for you but you still have tens (if
not hundreds) of thousands of dollars in student loans to pay off. Enter
Cachinko and all your contacts across the country. There could be a job
waiting for you somewhere that doesn't involve working in a hospital or
a potential mentor who could help you navigate through the hard times
that may be ahead. Not only jobs are shared but ideas can be shared too.
The possibilites are limitless!
The advantages of Cachinko are numerous and have been outlined above by
Lauren. The disadvantages have also been seen to this is a relatively
new site so unlike Facebook with millions of users, Cachinko has not
reached "viral" capacity yet. There are also some glitches to work out
with delays and time-outs on the weekends. This could be fixed pretty
readily with a better server. And while the website boasts money-making
potential, the job search community is very large and there are no
guarantees that you're going to make the right fit.
All-in-all, a useful website to connect with friends and to find a job.