Homepage: http://www.easypolls.net/

Tool Category/ies: Feedback  

License Type: Free + Pay Options


Overall Rating





Easy Polls is a free tool available on website for creation of polls. The poll creation process is quick allowing easy creation of polls, as well as easy filling a single page form. The important component of Easy Polls are pre-maid, templates that can be easily used. With Easy Polls, the person creating the poll can concentrate more on coming up with good poll topics and questions, and less on figuring out how to set things up.



Rating: 4/5

Reviewed by: Ewa on 04/26/2011

This tool can be used as shown in an example above: to assess if the Nephrology rotation was interesting and useful for general pediatrics residents.
It can be used in training program evaluation, teacher or student evaluation and many other easy to do and quick surveys. The goal of these suveys is to improve the program and learning in an aademic setting. AIt can have much broader application and use.

What are the advantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
The biggest advantage is easy creation, easy to access for respondents, preset choice of design. The advantage of this program is the fact that all the answers are being evaluated by the computer, giving instant statistics.

What are the disadvantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?
It is a predesigned polling tool, it does not stimulate creativity of person who is designing the pole. The survey is very simple, although easy to do, but very basic in it's design.


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